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The difference of drinks tea and coffee

Coffee and tea are a choice of drinks favored by almost everyone in all parts of the world. Become a fun friend to accompany the afternoon, especially if you add a snack.

Various benefits are felt by enjoying a cup of coffee or tea, ranging from health reasons, to generate energy, to just a casual drink while enjoying the atmosphere with friends or family. tea and coffee are very easy to find, with various types and packaging. However, between the two, there are differences in the benefits of drinking tea and coffee. 

the difference in the benefits of drinks tea and coffee

1. Caffeine levels

Both tea and coffee have caffeine in them. But coffee has higher levels of caffeine than tea, amounting to 125 - 128 mg in a cup of coffee. Compare that with the caffeine content in a cup of tea which is only 55 mg. In addition, even though both contain caffeine, the caffeine in tea can help increase concentration, while the caffeine in coffee causes a feeling of tension.

2. Prevent cancer

In a cup of tea, contains quercetin which helps the body prevent cancer, heart and blood vessel disorders. Meanwhile, coffee does not have the same properties.

3. Relieves pain

Tea is known to contain several substances that can relieve pain symptoms and inflammatory disorders. In addition, tea is also able to increase the body's metabolism. Meanwhile, coffee has the ability to relieve symptoms of asthma and Parkinson's, and protect against Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

4. Antioxidants

Tea and coffee have antioxidants that can help maintain body fitness. Tea protects the body from stress and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. Meanwhile, coffee without sugar is able to maintain blood sugar levels and prevent kidney stones.

5. Reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

 Research shows the caffeine in coffee raises blood sugar in the short term, but the polyphenols may improve insulin sensitivity and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes over the long term . Decaffeinated coffee may also have a beneficial effect on reducing type 2 diabetes, but the benefit appears to be less significant . The antioxidants in tea may help your body process sugar in your blood.

between coffe and tea, both have their respective benefits. when we consume the right portion it will certainly have a positive impact, on the contrary, anything that is excessive will have a negative impactv

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